Through the Window: A Lockdown Story

Families around the world have experienced separation due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Through this heart wrenching disease loved ones have had to find ways to stay in touch and share their love. This is the story of a grandmother and her young granddaughter.

Emma and her grandmother were the best of friends. They took walks, did puzzles, and enjoyed movie nights together. Then one day everything changed. A new virus was making people sick, so Emma and her grandmother were not able to see each other in person anymore. Will Emma and her grandmother be able to safely be together again?

This story is an example of the power of Love, the most important emotion a child can feel.

As parents teaching a child about the ever-changing daily situations of life, and letting them know that just because circumstances change, it doesn’t mean they are not loved or that they should turn their love off.

Love is the most powerful of all human emotions and children so easily give love without expectation, and have a hard time understanding when they love someone and their situation changes.

Teach a child to express their emotions.

Children internalize their emotions because they do not understand or know how to express themselves. When discussing Love, this story shows ways to continue a relationship and the realization there are a number of alternative means to express love when a situation changes.

It is important for the child to feel that even though the circumstances may change, it does not mean the person does not love the child any more or has fallen out of love with the child.

Help a child to understand that when circumstances change (such as with a divorce, death, or geographical separation) they have done nothing wrong to affect the Love of the relationship and that they will not lose the love of their person of focus.

When the person of their focus, such as a parent or grandparent, a friend or extended relative, is not close or living in the same house, it does not mean they do not love the child.

Teach a child the stages of Love.

Inform the child there are many ways to stay in touch with a person whom they Love and who Loves them. Digital technology provides an array of answers to continue creating memories. Have photos accessible for them to view and tell them stories of times they have shared with the person.

Practice acts of Love

“They are loved when circumstances change and make them aware they have not done anything to change the love between them and their person.”

Golden Rule “Love makes the world go around.”